The "Piano Nocturnes" festival
the Rencontre des grands Amateurs de piano
and the 2 "Samson François" International Piano Competitions.
"Samson François" International Piano Competition.

The 2023 edition of the festival - Recitals!

2023 partners


Lhe 2023 festival film

Press coverage of the festival

Click on the image to access the press review

Les Nocturnes du piano" festival recitals 2023.

2023 - the year of confirmation!

July 3 - Philippe Bianconi & Clément Lefebvre

Philippe's program :
CHOPIN - Nocturne in C # minor Op. 27 No. 1, 3rd Scherzo in C # minor Op. 39, Barcarolle Op. 60, Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise Brillante Op. 22

Clément's program:
Two Impromptus opus 14
SCHUMANN - Carnaval opus 9

Philipe et Clément's program:
Ma Mère l'Oye

July 4 - Théo Fouchenneret

Theo's program :
BEETHOVEN - Waldstein
CHOPIN - 4th ballade
MOMPOU - Paisajes (La Fuente y la camapana, El Lago, Carros de Galicia)
SCHUMANN - Fantasy

July 5 - Nour Ayadi

Nour's program:
Noveletten op 21: VI. Sehr lebhaft, mit vielem Humor, IV. Ballmäßig, Sehr munter, II. Äußerst rasch und mit Bravour
BEETHOVEN - sonata "Appassionata" op.57
POULENC- Trois novelettes, FP 47/173
RACHMANINOV - Études - Tableaux, Op. 33

July 6 - Florian Noack

Florian's program:
Sonata D.960
LISZT - Etudes Transcendentes 10-11-12

July 7 - Célia Oneto Bensaïd

Celia's program:
Un Sospiro from Concert Etudes S.144
MARIE JAËLL - "Ce qu'on entend dans l'Enfer": Poursuite, Appel, Dans les flammes, Blasphèmes
LISZT - Mephistowaltz no3 S.216
MARIE JAËLL - "What We Hear in Purgatory": Pressentiments, Impotent Desires, Remorse, Now and Then, Obsessions
SCHUBERT / LISZT - Aufenthalt
MARIE JAËLL - "What We Hear in Paradise": Heavenly Ways, Hymn, Contemplation
SCHUBERT / LISZT - Ständchen

July 8 - Jean-Paul Gasparian

Jean-Paul's program:
Preludes, Livre 1
SCRIABINE - Sonate N°3 opus 23
RACHMANINOV- Sonate N°2 opus 36

The Grand Amateurs pianists' meeting day

2023 - the year of confirmation!

Dedicated to non-professional piano lovers, with concerts and master classes led by Nicolas Bringuier, our Artistic Director, this day was a resounding success. This has encouraged us to develop it further in 2024...
2full days will therefore be on the Festival program, to the delight of all!

Noé Zagroun & Giulia Emily Dukes recital

There are unforgettable moments at a Festival..... For the 2023 edition, the musical hour brought to us by young jazz pianist Noé Zagroun and singer Giulia Emily Dukes is one of them!
Their eclectic program and warm personalities have largely contributed to making Our Festival an exceptional event on our Côte d'Azur!
Thank you Noé and Giulia!

Lenor Mendes' recital

In 2023, we were fortunate to begin a partnership with the prestigious École Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot in Paris, cradle of countless musicians with international careers.
The arrival of Leonor Mendes, a young pianist who brilliantly obtained her "Diplôme supérieur de concertiste" there in May 2023, was a real gift for all the candidates in the Samson François International Competition!

Our launch party at the Salle Cortot in Paris on June 12, 2023

2023 - the year of confirmation!

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