Piano recitals in a racecourse ... What a crazy idea!

The idea of creating a piano festival came to me from a lack that I felt in our region.
Indeed, there is a lot of chamber music in the summer but little solo piano.
I also wanted to promote the youth, to contribute to make known some "rising stars" of the piano and finally, the desire to move away from the comfort of the traditional places dedicated to classical festivals.
But this place has for me something magical and when I asked its president Mr. François Forcioli Conti if my project seemed feasible, he did everything to facilitate my task.
We have one of the most beautiful racecourses in the world... thanks to you, let's make our Festival a must!

Christine GASTAUD - Pianist, piano teacher at the Conservatoire National de Région de Nice, Creator and Artistic Director of the Nocturnes du Piano and President of the association Le Piano en Liberté.